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Android testing development devops process, debugging [2]

Developer Tools on Play Store
[ ]
Supporting your development and testing workflows. Dynamic delivery.
by Ben Weiss

to get previous builds – [ name/version code]

Full Guide to Testing Android Applications in 2022


Extensible mobile app debugger [ ]
Flipper is a platform for debugging mobile apps on iOS and Android. Visualize, inspect, and control your apps from a simple desktop interface. Use Flipper as is or extend it using the plugin API.

Understanding your build with the Build Analyzer

Сквозное тестирование (end-to-end): что, зачем, почему

Pluto is a on-device debugging framework for Android applications, which helps in inspection of HTTP requests/responses, capture Crashes and ANRs and manipulating application data on-the-go.

Наглядное руководство по каждому типу тестов

Unit Testing Best Practices
A list of practical suggestions that can help you write better tests

Tips to Boost Your Android Development

Creating reliable tests for Android notifications
05.2022 []


Sample VoIP Calling App in Android

Delivery Deployment

Прокачиваем Android проект с GitHub Actions. Часть 1

Work with GitHub Actions in your terminal with GitHub CLI


Android library development – Getting started

Android library development – Modularization

Создание SDK под Android в стиле Single-Activity

Considerations when creating Android libraries

Deep link

Быстрое перенаправление в приложение с AutoVerify


BaseActivity and BaseFragment are monsters
03.07.2020 []

Say no to BaseActivity and BaseFragment

Android Development | Best Practices

Android Ecosystem cheat sheet {]

IntelliJ IDEA: Structural Search & Replace

«Ну, покати!» или CI/CD мобильных приложений на основе контракта

Structural Class Redefinition
Structural Class Redefinition and Apply Changes

Think before using BuildConfig.DEBUG

A Simple Guide to Android Product Flavors


Ensure single click on Android (ButterKnife did it right 👌)

Run ARM apps on the Android Emulator

Measure app performance with Android Profiler

Yet another Android Profiler for AOSP .trace files

Assets or Resource Raw folder of Android?

Stop Using Post/PostDelayed in Your Android Views

How I resolved WindowManager.BadTokenException for Toast#handleShow()?

Using Timber with Crash Reporting Tools

Remote logging with Timber and Firebase Realtime Database.

Debugging in Android Studio

Infrastructure of Avito android

UI testing



Автотесты на Android. Картина целиком

The definitive guide of Android UI Automator with Kotlin
07.2021 []

Avokado Project


Adb-server в Kaspresso

“Kaspresso” с Евгением Мацюком и Егором Курниковым

Путь к автотестированию Android нативными инструментами: испробовали всё, что есть на рынке и сделали свои выводы
04.2022 []

Погружение в Charles Proxy

Stress-testing Android apps

Mocking is not practical — Use fakes

Using Fakes To Test Reactive Flows

Accelerate your Android Espresso testing by grouping relevant tests

На чем писать Android UI-тесты
04.09.2020 []

Паттерн PageObject в Kotlin для UI-тестирования Android

Большой гайд по A/B-тестированию

Robolectric-based library which makes sure your Android screens are not broken (again)

Snapshot tests or how to stop layouts from breaking (again)

Mockito и как его готовить
23.03.2019 []

Пишем unit тесты так, чтобы не было мучительно больно

Unit-тестирование в Android // Бесплатный урок OTUS

The Sandbox: LeakCanary

Подменяем Runtime permissions в Android

Используем UI-тесты для поиска утечек

Быстрый старт: гайд по автоматизированному тестированию для Android-разработчика. JVM

Переоткрываем для себя эмулятор Android для ускорения тестирования

5 New Test Automation Frameworks for Android (2020)

Краткое сравнение JUnit и TestNG

Unit Testing Kotlin Flow

Автотесты на Android. Картина целиком

Some things to consider before using the @VisibleForTesting annotation

Boundary Value Analysis and Equivalence Partitioning Testing

How To Improve the Quality of Tests Using Mutation Testing

Best practices for Unit Testing Android Apps with Mockk, Kotest and others

How To Write Human-Readable Tests in Kotlin With Kotest and MockK

Обзор библиотек для скриншот-тестирования Android проектов. Часть 1

Android Testing – Integration tests


Preventing Android App Cloning
13.07.2020 []


Обзор способов и протоколов аутентификации в веб-приложениях

Developer tools to debug WebView in Beta

Семантическое Версионирование 2.0.0

Android Studio, tooling

Help, adb is not found!
13.02.2021 []

Расширение возможностей Android Studio

Упрощаем процесс код ревью с помощью Android Lint // Бесплатный урок OTUS

Android Lint []

Kotlin codegeneration // Бесплатный урок OTUS

Annotation processing for Kotlin code / Сергей Рябов

Create Android Studio plugin to toggle “Show layout bounds” (Part 2)

SonarQube: за качество кода отвечаем

Измерение качества кода Android-приложения с помощью Sonarqube и Jacoco в 2019 году

JaCoCo single coverage for Multi Module projects


Unified Code Coverage for Android: Revisited

DevOps в Сбербанк-Технологиях. Инструментальный стандарт

Unified Code Coverage for Android: Revisited (

Test Orchestrator

Setting up an unified coverage report in Android with Jacoco, Robolectric, and Espresso (

Code Coverage for Android Testing


Reporting code coverage with JaCoCo Sample

Merge Jacoco coverage reports for multiproject setups

Android+Kotlin Code coverage with Jacoco, Sonar and Gradle plugin 6.x
21.09.2020 []

Unified Code Coverage for Android: Revisited
02.2018 []

Getting to know the behaviors of your SDK dependencies

Android Dependency Analyzer

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