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Kotlin coroutines, actors

A first walk into Kotlin coroutines on Android

Kotlin coroutines on Android

Kotlin flows on Android


Android Coroutine Recipes []

Best practices for coroutines in Android

Concurrent Programming in Kotlin: Coroutines

Simple asynchronous loading with Kotlin Coroutines ;; + LifecycleObserver; + Kotlin Coroutine DSL
Coroutines on Android (part I): Getting the background []
Coroutines on Android (part II): Getting started []

Deep Dive Into Android Lifecycle Coroutines

Coroutines, Yonatan Levin – Android Developer@Monday

Bridging the gap between coroutines, threads, and concurrency problems
03.02.2021 []

Synchronization, Thread-Safety and Locking Techniques in Java and Kotlin
02.2019 []

Shared flows, broadcast channels

Flow under the hood: how does it really work

How runBlocking May Surprise You

Как безболезненно мигрировать с RxJava на Kotlin Coroutines+Flow

Kotlin Coroutines in Android Summary

Misnomers, Mistakes and Misunderstandings to watch for when learning Kotlin Coroutines and Flow

StateFlow with One- and TwoWay-DataBinding on Android

The Best Way to Collect a Flow in Kotlin – launchIn

Using Flows for Form Validation in Android.

Backpressure in your Kotlin Flows

7 Gotchas When Explore Kotlin Coroutine

Корутины и синхронизация. Лучше не смешивать

Coroutines: First things first. Cancellation and Exceptions in Coroutines (Part 1)

Cancellation in coroutines

Отменяем операции правильно на примере корутин

Exceptions in Coroutines

Are you handling exceptions in Kotlin coroutines properly?

Coroutines & Patterns for work that shouldn’t be cancelled
Cancellation and Exceptions in Coroutines (Part 4)

Using Kotlin Coroutines in your Android App []

Use Kotlin coroutines with Architecture components []

From RxJava to Kotlin Flow: Error Handling
From RxJava to Kotlin Flow: Backpressure [ ]
From RxJava to Kotlin Flow: Testing
The Real Kotlin Flow benefits over RxJava

StateFlow, SharedFlow
Introduce StateFlow
Пробуем и разбираемся с StateFlow
StateFlow, End of LiveData?
Replace SingleLiveEvent with kotlin Channel / Flow
kotlinx.coroutines 1.4.0: Introducing StateFlow and SharedFlow

A safer way to collect flows from Android UIs
24.03.2021 by Manuel Vivo []

Kotlin flows on Android

Even smarter async with coroutine actors ;; + Channels; + Sequence of events; + Actor

Kotlin Coroutines — Handling concurrency like a pro (Retrofit2 + Coroutines) []

Coroutines and RxJava — An Asynchronicity Comparison []

[] Kotlin coroutines guide – concurrent programming in kotlin []


Room + Coroutines []

Kotlin coroutines, threads, concurrency and parallelism 101 []

Threading models in Coroutines and Android SQLite API []

Watcha Doin’? Inspecting Kotlin coroutines with timing graphs. []

Exceptions and proxies and coroutines, oh my! []

Kotlin Coroutines для Android — Прощай RxJava? []

Corbind – Coroutines binding APIs for Android UI widgets from the platform and support libraries. []

Coroutines in Kotlin 1.3 explained: Suspending functions, contexts, builders and scopes []

How can we use CoroutineScopes in Kotlin? []

Making Android unidirectional data flow with Kotlin coroutines []

Structured Concurrency Anniversary []

How to unit test code with Coroutines []

Kotlin: when statement, when expression… oh my! or How we created our custom Detekt rule []

RxJava VS. Coroutines In Two Use Cases []

Unit Testing Coroutine Suspend Functions using TestCoroutineDispatcher []

Everything you need to know about kotlin coroutines []

Testing two consecutive LiveData emissions in Coroutines []

«Coroutines Flow», Кирилл Розов, Epam

To modify data RxJava provides a lot of methods, but Kotlin Coroutines doesn’t have them. This library’s goal is creating functions that will provide users possibility to use the same functional as in RxJava
[ ]

The suspend modifier — Under the hood
24/03/2020 by Manuel Vivo []

Kotlin Coroutines in Android — Channel [ ]

Binding Android UI with Kotlin Flow [ ]

Preventing coroutine cancellation for important actions [ ]
NonCancellable [ ]

Coroutines and exceptions: things to know

Understanding Kotlin Coroutines with this mental model
Do I need to call suspend functions of Retrofit and Room on a background thread?

Coroutines: Suspending State Machines

Deep recursion with coroutines

Phantom of the Coroutine

Корутины: основы
Корутины: исключения


FlowExt library


Kotlin Concurrency with Actors

Is there a way to reuse a Job instance?

Structured concurrency with two parent jobs


A small testing library for kotlinx.coroutines Flow
[] by Jake Wharton

How We Test Concurrent Primitives in Kotlin Coroutines

A deep dive into the subtleties of testing Kotlin coroutines
07.2022 []

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