We need:
- Apache
The main page of site 🙂
<html> <head> <LINK REL="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css"> <title>builder</title> <meta HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> </head> <body> <?php $res = shell_exec("tasklist"); if (preg_match('/^git\.exe/im', $res) || preg_match('/^dcc32\.exe/im', $res)) {echo '<p>Oops, building... Come back later.</p>';} else { echo "<p>Hello dear programmer.<br>I hope you've finished developing of branch and want to test it<br>Please enter the name of the branch and click button 'Build branch'</p>"; echo '<form name="buildbranchXE" method="POST" action="/buildbranch.php"><input type="text" name="branchname" value="" /><input type="submit" value="Build branch" /></form>'; } ?> </body> </html>
File buildbranch.php
<?php $res = shell_exec("tasklist"); if (preg_match('/^git\.exe/im', $res) || preg_match('/^dcc32\.exe/im', $res)) { echo '<p>Oops, building... Come back later.</p>'; } else { $brname=$_POST["branchname"]; if (!isset($brname) || empty($brname)) {header('Location: /error.html');exit();} $r = exec("start /B cmd /c c:\cron\git-check-branch.bat ".$brname); if (strcasecmp(trim($r), trim("origin/".$brname)) == 0) { pclose(popen("start /B cmd.exe /c c:\cron\git-branch.bat ".$brname, "r")); echo '<p>Building...</p>'; } else {echo 'The branch does not exist';} } ?>
File git-check-branch.bat
cd c:\repo git branch --list -r | grep origin/%1
File git-branch.bat execute building of application