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Introducing A New Way to Discover Kotlin Multiplatform Libraries

Kotlin Multiplatform is growing rapidly, with its ecosystem expanding and the number of libraries increasing by 35% in 2024 alone. However, with more libraries available than ever, finding the right one for your use case and target platforms can still be a challenge. Whether you’re looking for a solution to handle permissions on iOS and Android or searching for a Compose Multiplatform calendar component that supports both mobile and web, the challenge isn’t just finding one library – it’s having all of the options clearly presented so you can compare and choose the best fit. Today, we’re excited to introduce – our new service designed to make finding Kotlin Multiplatform libraries faster and easier.

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Kotlin 2.1.0 Released


What’s new:

New language features in preview: Guard conditions in when with a subject, non-local break and continue, and multi-dollar string interpolation.

K2 compiler updates: More flexibility around compiler checks and improvements to the kapt implementation.

Kotlin Multiplatform: Stable Gradle DSL for compiler options and many other improvements.

Kotlin/Native: Improved support for iosArm64 and other updates.

Kotlin/Wasm: Multiple updates, including support for incremental compilation.

Gradle support: Improved compatibility with newer versions of Gradle and the Android Gradle plugin, along with updates to the Kotlin Gradle plugin API.

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foxic: The Thrillseekers – Synaesthesia

Several hours ago YandexMusic recommendation threw me into the beginning of my trance listening career.

The Synaesthesia track of the thrillseekers is an one of my beloved.

Thank Yandex.

and, for sure, thank England for such cool guys.

next time I come across I’ll tell you about them.