What’s new in Android Performance — Google I/O 2023 edition
Tracing main thread messages + Perfetto
01.2022 [https://py.hashnode.dev/tracing-main-thread-messages]
Baseline Profiles
Accurately Measure Android App Performance with Profileable Builds
Improving App Performance with Baseline Profiles
01.2022 [https://android-developers.googleblog.com/2022/01/improving-app-performance-with-baseline.html]
Prioritizing App Stability — Mobile Performance @ Lyft
Удобный бенчмаркинг с Jetpack Benchmark Library. Макро- и микробенчмарки
Где и как можно ускорить приложение на Android
Kotlin Coroutines vs Threads Performance Benchmark
Как мы на 20% повысили скорость запуска приложения с помощью Baseline Profiles
Производительность Android Runtime vs NDK
05.2021 [https://habr.com/ru/post/557604/]
Important Performance Metrics
04.2022 [https://medium.com/androiddevelopers/important-performance-metrics-c7dacf018eb3]
Monitoring App Performance
08.2022 [https://medium.com/androiddevelopers/monitoring-app-performance-ebf9af4ebe36]
Android Developer Options that you probably forgot
Screen response time. A critical metric for user experience
06.2022 [https://medium.com/okcredit/screen-response-time-a-critical-metric-for-user-experience-fc2be922859f]
Улучшаем производительность android-приложения с помощью Baseline profiles
06.2022 [https://habr.com/ru/company/kaspersky/blog/671180/]
Перформанс мониторинг по-взрослому: выкладываем запись Mobile Meetup
Как мы ускоряли сборку Android-приложения из двух миллионов строк кода
07.2022 [https://habr.com/ru/company/yandex/blog/678786/]
Screen response time. A critical metric for user experience
06.2022 [https://medium.com/okcredit/screen-response-time-a-critical-metric-for-user-experience-fc2be922859f]
My Journey on Reducing APK size at GetMega
Android Data Repository — A simple pattern that we often misunderstand