Jetpack etc
LiveData with Coroutines and Flow — Part I: Reactive UIs
13.07.2020 []
LiveData with Coroutines and Flow — Part II: Launching coroutines with Architecture Components
13.07.2020 []
LiveData with Coroutines and Flow — Part III: LiveData and coroutines patterns
13.07.2020 []
Как работает UI в Android. Не все так сложно
Optimizing Android ViewModel with Lifecycle 2.2.0, SavedState
Should I use Jetpack ViewModel?
Android ViewModel. How it works.
Android ViewModels: Under the hood
Как правильно идентифицировать Android-устройства
Multiple back stacks
06.2021 []
Data storage Media
Android storage use cases and best practices
Scoped Storage on Android 11
Android’s Best SQLite Debugging Tools
Kotlin Flow version of rx-preferences — Coroutines support for Android SharedPreferences
Open video links like Telegram do with oEmbed and Kotlin
A simple library for parsing and playing links from YouTube, YouTube Music, Vimeo and Rutube is WebView without the need to connect api data services
Android 10 open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)
Securing Android’s DataStore
Fragment, Activity
Как работает Activity
Pass data between fragments
Неочевидное про Fragment API
The modern way to pass data between fragments
Understanding the Android Activity Launch Modes
Android Fragments: Fragment Result
Раскладываем на части FragmentLifecycleCallbacks [ ]
Getting a result from an activity. Activity result API
Deep Dive into Activity Results API — No More onActivityResult()
Improving inter-activity communication with Jetpack ActivityResult
OnBackPressedDispatcher Android
How AndroidX changes the way we work with Activities and Fragments
Android Fragments: FragmentFactory
Undocumented startActivityForResult behavior for Fragment
7 Common Mistakes Easily Made with Android Fragment
The many flavors of commit(), commitAllowingStateLoss()
Permission in android 11
Android time, timezone
Tick Tock: Desugaring and Timezones
Joda-Time, ThreeTen
Introducing kotlinx-datetime by Ilya Gorbunov
In-app language changing library
Demystifying Locale on Android
The Ultimate Guide to Android App I18n and L10n
Customizing WorkManager — Fundamentals. Series 5
Как работает WorkManager в Android
08.2022 []
Фоновая работа в Android: обзор возможностей WorkManager
04.2021 []
Use WorkManager for immediate background execution
WorkManager for Immediate Tasks
WorkManager — Kotlin APIs
by Florina Muntenescu []
Scheduling Tasks With Android WorkManager
Как работает WorkManager в Android
08.2022 []
Android Foreground Service Restrictions
Evolution of location access on Android
Thermal API
Thermal in Android
DownloadManager []
All About PendingIntents
03.2021 []
Practical network for Android Developers (part 1)
Here is the list of the blogs in this series:
Part 1 — HTTP and Network Layer
Part 2— TLS, Certificates, and Pinning
Part 3— Authenticators and Interceptors
Part 4 — Performance, Redundancy, and Concurrency
Part 5 — Testing and Integration
Working with Package Visibility
Бесконтакт: что такое NFC и как программисту с ним работать